Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Anger or Something More

The more I think, the more I wonder just what my life is. How are my emotions related to my moods; and how those moods relate to the bipolar disorder and which are just normal human being things.

Anger has been an issue. Yes, I am under a lot of stress, familial wise and just life in general. I feel angry at the world not just at one person but just angry all the time. I hate the person driving in front or behind me. I am pissed at Greg and that is no way to treat your significant other. I take a lot of frustration out on our relationship not expecting consequences let alone how he feels.

How can I determine if this is all stress related or is this anger a deep seeded issue that not even medicine can tame??

What do I do? I see a therapist but she isn't like a real clinical psychologist so all we do is "shoot the breeze."  I talk but more times than not I feel like I am talking to a wall. I know, "change therapist..." well in this area it is not always easy to find someone who can take a new patient within the confines of our tri-county area. I would love it if I had a therapist who would take what I say and create worksheets and "assignments" for me to process what I am going through. I am bored with just a simple "chat" session with no results. I mean come on seeing her for three years and I can't find a single thing that has really been a successful session that I was able to take away something useful.

Am I just an angry person that is stuck in a situation of rat on a wheel??? Is the anger a form a depression that is more out-ward than inward?

What steps do I take to talk to my spouse and help him understand that I am not mad at him, just the world????

I am so lost as to whether it is disorder or just another character defect that I am too lazy to work on.

Help... Please....