As I reflect on this day from my own fights and battles with suicidal thoughts and actions, I remember a friend who just committed suicide this past Sunday. It has been a very hard trial for all of us. He was a loving and just all around amazing guy and the disease of addiction coupled with mental health medication complications, he could no longer take the pain this world left him in. We all know that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary situation. However, many people who have not been touched or lived through those most despaired moments misunderstand that it seems like the only option. The only option to end all pain because everything you have tried has not worked, no longer works, and you seem like a burden to everyone.
I know this personally. I have been to the depths of despair so much that I was close to death more times than I care to count. Thankfully though I found To Write Love On Her Arms. This organisation has helped so many people, including me, find hope and ways to communicate to others the help we need.
Today is a day for all of us to reflect on those sitting on the edge of "to be or not to be," have lost their lives or have survived. Suicide is one of the worst moments in the sufferers and the families and friends left behind. We are scarred by life one way or another but we must reach out to others not just for our own sanity but for the sanity of others who may be suffering in silence.
Attached to this blog is the blog post posted by TWLOHA:
Please feel free to search the site. Use the chat forums, link to them on facebook and twitter. They even have a Tumblr account.
Don't let us sit in silence when the whole world needs to hear our voices. Be the one to reach out if not that ask for help. Don't let this world take your part for you. Play your part, there is only one of you and I couldn't ask for anyone else. Please let this day be a day of reflection and understanding.
Want to know more about my story, leave a comment or go to and watch some of my videos.