Saturday, 20 September 2014

Ill and Still going

Well it is that time of year all over again where colds are passed around like candy and the flu is gossip at the tables. I have now entered in among the ranks of cold/ flu like symptoms but now the rhinovirus has really picked up speed in my locale. So much for the great news. As I do work with children I have to do everything I can to remain healthy as well as being an employee of the restaurant business, being sick is the second worse you can do beside getting yourself fired. 

My aunt's aide stated that if I hit a low to mid grade fever and I start wheezing then I need to seek medical attention immediately sine the rhinovirus is so rampart right now. So it comes down to that or the flu. I feel horrible but I continue to go to work and push through. However, I think I am doing my body much injustice as to keep it running instead of letting it rest. 

I am like everyone else in the situation to the point that being sick means no paycheck which means no doctor's visit, if you don't have insurance, leaving us feeling ever worse and now guilt sets in because you "let" yourself be sick.

I am my own worst critic, but I feel poorly and I cannot afford to sick in any manner. So please bare with me and my postings and videos. It is really hard to do anything when you feel crap. 

Hope everyone is doing better than I am. Better blogs ahead. :)   

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