As I was scrolling through Tumblr I stumbled across a "word" post saying "Something always brings me back to you." This line is in the song Gravity by Sara Bareilles. This song holds so much power in my heart that when I opened the video on YouTube I was instantly taken back to some of my darker days.
How can one sentence, one song, send you back to memories that you thought you had left behind. Go please, take a listen and maybe you will feel your heart being tugged as well.
Today is the last day of July which means schools return to session in three weeks. For some reason I feel like I have been cheated out of summer. Listening to this song plunges me back to 2011-2012 when I was really sick and depressed. It has become a hit of nostalgia. The feelings and memories strong as if it were only yesterday.
I wonder if this means that I have yet to heal the many wounds I have had or if maybe I'm not ready to give up that part of my life?! Tears fill my eyes as the song reaches the final chorus and that deep feeling of depression sinks in my heart and fills it with a heavy weight. Do I want to be the way I was then or am I just running my mind over the many scars covering the gravity of my body?
Do we ever move so far forward from our deepest depressions that whenever a song or a word crosses our mind that we don't automatically go to those moments?? How far removed can we get? Or are we still tethered to that part of our lives and we never really lose that part of us? Nostalgia is a very strange thing. It brings happiness and joy but also reigns back in the dark moments.
Songs and just even one simple word have a lot of power. Use them wisely and bring joy to those dark memories.
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