Monday, 3 August 2015

Prepare for Hysterical Laughter

How can I not blog about this because it is something that we think only a child would ever do.

That is right. I did something that you usually only hear a child do. I swallowed my wedding ring by accident. Now all of you will be confused but here is the true story.

I work at a pub cooking. Some nights I forget to take my ring off before I leave the house. When this happens I put the ring in my medicine tin. Last night I again forgot to take off my ring. This is where it all went wrong.

I got home and continued to ignore the time until 9:30 when I finally took my 8:30 p.m. medicine. Normally I look in my tin and pull my ring out. This time I just opened the tin and placed all of its contents in my hand including my ring. As an active medicine taker I did not think anything different about this.

It was not until I have horrible trouble trying to swallow what I thought was my round lamictal pill. I thought because of its size and shape that it must have gotten caught so I continued to drink water until I finally got it down.

Now I did not realise that it was my ring this whole time until this morning when I went to put it on. Then I put two and two together and figured out that I had accidentally swallowed my ring.

Yes, I give you all the permission to laugh and giggle as I can't stop giggling myself.

I hope this has brightened your day.

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