I find it so very interesting that some feel that they have every right to point their finger at me and judge my every action, whilst forgetting that we were created with four fingers. So when you point your index finger at me you should look at the rest of your fingers pointing back at yourself.
Jehovah God created us is such a unique and amazing way. We have free will and it is up to us how we choose to live our lives. There are even plenty of Scriptures that speak of judging others. My favourite one is how can we point out the needle in the other person's eye when we have a huge rafter in our own eye.
I didn't choose to leave the Truth. I didn't let my relationships stop me from serving Jehovah the best I could. I'd have to say I feel I am in a better position than the one who chose to marry a man across the country after meeting him on the internet. Not only that but the way this happened was by far a catfish thing. Only visiting this man two or three times across the country for a week or two at a time in months spanning.... how could you marry someone like that???
Next agenda issue is how can you judge my life when I don't have three kids and two different baby daddy's. Seriously, you think you can sit there and point your fingers at me when there are three pointing back at yourself.
My life is mine. I have nothing in common with you in the world. We all have our own experiences and our own choices to make. I met my mate in person and spent time with him more than just phone calls and plane rides to the other side of the country.
If you want, sat there and pass judgement on me then go right ahead. It is none of my business. Do your research. When you look at my past in the Truth you will find that I started going to meetings on a regular basis before most. I would go to meetings and still go by myself with no family to lean on. I went through so much with my mental health that the congregation became wary and confused by my actions and ways. Yet, I never stopped attending meetings. If you place people before Jehovah God then all you are doing is living by the world's standards.
If you want to judge me, be my guest. Go for it. But remember, Jehovah is the Grand Judge. Not YOU.
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